Chadron’s Shea Bailey named Nspire Today!’s Female Athlete of the Week, sponsored by Kristy Culek Agency


CHADRON – Shea Bailey, a senior at Chadron High School, is this week’s Nspire Today! Female Athlete of the Week, sponsored by Kristy Culek Agency, LLC-American Family Insurance. Bailey helped the Cardinals win all three of their games this weekend in the Western Conference Invitational Basketball Tournament in Scottsbluff and Gering. Bailey is a three-year starter on the basketball team as a guard, and she also was a key player on Chadron’s volleyball team. Her parents are Crystal and Kerry Bailey.

Q: Talk about how this weekend’s tournament went for the Chadron girls basketball team.

BAILEY:  “I thought we played really well as a team. We encouraged each other every game, and I think that made the biggest difference.”

Q: Did things go even better than you thought they would?

BAILEY: “I think it went better than we expected. We have been practicing really hard, but I was  really impressed with how we played in a real-game situation. I thought everything came together well.”

Q: Which game did you feel was Chadron’s most impressive one?

BAILEY: “I thought the Scottsbluff game was our most impressive one just because we expected it to be a tough game. They’re quick, and they play at a fast tempo. We were kind of nervous going in, but we knew if we played tough and together, it could be a really good game for us, and it was.”

Q: What are your hopes and goals for the team this season?

BAILEY: “I hope we just continue to play well as a team and not make it about individuals. We all have the same goal, so we need to keep focusing on that – playing as a team.”

Q: How many seniors are on this year’s team?

BAILEY: “Seven. We have a lot of seniors – and juniors – this year. A lot of us have varsity experience, which helps a lot.”

Q: Do you think this year’s Chadron team has a good chance to make it to state?

BAILEY: “I think so. I think we have a lot of work that we still need to do to get better every game, but I think if we continue to work hard and don’t get complacent, we could have a good shot at getting to state.”

Q: How excited are you for your senior basketball season?

BAILEY: “I’m really excited, especially after seeing how much fun we had this weekend and how well we did as a team. I’m excited for the rest of the season. I can’t wait to see how it ends.”

Q: How much do you feel you’ve improved as a basketball player, especially from last season to this season?

BAILEY: “My teammates have helped me improve. They’ve really pushed me to get better. Practices are really competitive, so that helps everyone improve.”

Q: Between volleyball and basketball, which sport do you like better?

BAILEY: “It’s really hard for me to pick one. I really like volleyball, but just because of the way basketball goes – the tempo of it – I think I would have to say basketball is my favorite.”

Q: Are you wanting to compete in athletics after high school?

BAILEY: “No, I don’t think so. I think I’m going to focus more on my academics after high school.”

Q: What are your specific plans after high school?

BAILEY: “Right now, I plan to go to South Dakota State University in Brookings, South Dakota, and major in graphic design.”

Q: What attracted you to South Dakota State University?

BAILEY: “I liked that it is a little bit bigger than Chadron and that there are more students there than at CSC and the other schools that I looked at. I also like that it still has a small-town feel to it. I also really like the campus there. They’ve done a lot to improve it, and the fact that they let you major in graphic design, which you can’t really find at other schools – you usually have to minor in it – was important to me. They have a really good fine arts program.”

Q: How did you get interested in the graphic design field?

BAILEY: “A friend of my parents ended up going into photography, but she started out in graphic design. She thought I would really like it because I like designing websites and photo editing – things like that. So then I took a few classes related to it and decided that I did really like it.”

Q: What do you want to do for a career?

BAILEY: “Probably design websites or go into photography.”

Q: So it sounds like your athletic career will come to an end after this basketball season. Does that make you kind of sad?

BAILEY: “It’s a little sad, but I feel like I have a lot of other things to look forward to after high school. So I think I’ll be excited to move on and find other things that I enjoy besides sports.”

Q: Have you always lived in Chadron?

BAILEY: “Yes.”

Q: How much have you enjoyed growing up in Chadron?

BAILEY: “I’ve really enjoyed it just because of how close everybody is. You know everybody. All of my classmates have always been the same, so we’ve always known each other really well, and we’re super close. I really like that about a small town.”

Q: Are you involved in any other activities at school?

BAILEY: “I’m in FBLA and Interact.”

Q: Outside of your school activities, what do you like to do for fun?

BAILEY: “I like photography and hanging out with family and friends. I also work in the summertime.”

Q: Where do you work?

BAILEY: “I work at Best Western as a housekeeper. During the school year, I usually work just on the weekends or whenever I don’t have sports. During the summer, I’ll work just about every day of the week.”

Q: What’s your favorite class this school year?

BAILEY: “I really like construction. It’s really different. I haven’t done anything like that besides woods. So, it’s been really fun to learn how to do things like plumbing, dry wall, or electrical work.”

Q: Do you consider yourself to be an avid sports fan – someone who watches a lot of sports on TV? If so, who’s your favorite team?

BAILEY: “I kind of watch basketball. I’ll watch Duke or North Carolina a little bit, and I watch Husker volleyball a lot.”

Q: Which coach has made the biggest impact on you?

BAILEY: “I would have to say Coach [Jonn] McLain. I feel like he goes beyond just coaching us in basketball. He helps us outside of sports, too. Also, Coach [Mike] Sandstrom has really helped all of us, too.”

Q: Which teacher do you feel has made the biggest influence on you?

BAILEY: “Mrs. [Brenda] Lanphier. She was my sophomore and junior English teacher. She’s really positive and whenever I would go to her class, she made me want to learn more. I really enjoyed her class.”

Q: Favorite TV show?

BAILEY: “Grey’s Anatomy.”

Q: What kind of music do you like to listen to?

BAILEY: “Probably pop – today’s hits.”

Q: Favorite local restaurant?

BAILEY: “Either China House or Wilds Bar and Grill.”

Q: What do you like to order at Wilds Bar and Grill?

BAILEY: “I love their chicken strips.”

Q: Who do you think is the kindest student at Chadron High School this school year?

BAILEY: “I think Olivia Reed is one of the nicest people I’ve ever met. She’s so nice. I never hear her say a bad thing about anybody.”

Q: Name one person who you feel is a big difference-maker in the Chadron community?

BAILEY: “I feel like a lot of our staff at the school makes a big difference, even in the community.”

Q: Do you have any siblings?

BAILEY: “Yes, I have a younger sister [Tatum, 16] and a younger brother [Quinn, 13].” 

If you would like to nominate someone for Nspire Today!’s Athletes of the Week, sponsored by Kristy Culek Agency, you may do so by sending an email to or by mailing a letter to Nspire Today!, P.O. Box 454, Scottsbluff, NE 69363. Nominations may also be submitted by sending a text to 308-220-8865. 

In addition to being recognized online, athletes of the week will also be recognized in Nspire Today! magazine. To sign up for a one-year subscription (12 issues) to the magazine, please send $15 to Nspire Today!, P.O. Box 454, Scottsbluff, NE 69363. To pay with a credit card, please call 308-220-8865. If you would like to increase your subscription to $20, Nspire Today! will donate the extra $5 in October to the Panhandle Humane Society.

For all your insurance needs, visit The Kristy Culek Agency, LLC-American Family Insurance, located at 1012 Ave. I in Scottsbluff, or call 308-632-8598.