Press Release
National Travel and Tourism Week (NTTW) 2021 recognizes the POWER OF TRAVEL and the industry’s role in bringing back our vibrant communities, restoring our local-state-national economies, rebuilding our tourism workforce and reconnecting visitors with destinations. Joining cities, counties and visitors bureaus nationwide that champion the POWER OF TRAVEL; the Gering Visitors Bureau (GVB), the Scotts Bluff Area Visitors Bureau (SBAVB) and local tourism stakeholders will host special events to commemorate National Travel & Tourism Week – May 2-8, 2021.
“Although our 2021 National Tourism Week events might be smaller than in previous years due to the COVID-19 pandemic; it’s important for our local tourism attractions and services to look ahead and jumpstart the recovery of the tourism industry during National Tourism Week”, stated Brenda Leisy, Director of the Scotts Bluff Area Visitors Bureau. “As your destination marketing organizations; we have planned a schedule of events (virtual and in-person) for this week to be orchestrated in a healthy and safe way for our tourism stakeholders, businesses and residents to celebrate the recovery of our local travel and tourism industry and the positive economic effects tourism has on our cities and county”, according to Karla Niedan- Streeks, Executive Director of the Gering Visitors Bureau.
Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, the travel and tourism industry were a significant contributor to local, state and national economies and supported hard-working individuals of all backgrounds. A robust recovery requires the return of leisure travel, business travel, group travel and meetings-events which can be done in a healthy and safe way. National Travel & Tourism Week 2021 recognizes recovery locally and will help define our tourism industry’s way forward.
Schedule of 2021 National Tourism Week Events
Monday, May 3, 2021
National Tourism Week 2021 “Proclamation Ceremony”
1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. at Wildcat Hills Nature Center
Join the Mayors of Gering, Scottsbluff and Terrytown and Scotts Bluff County Commissioners for the reading and signing of the official proclamation of Travel and Tourism Week in the tri-cities and county. The setting for this year’s proclamation signing at Wildcat Hills State Recreation Area and this year’s local theme and logo, “Power of Travel’ collaborates with the 100th Anniversary of Nebraska’s State Parks (1921 to 2021) celebrating the great outdoors and “Your Memories, Your Adventures, Your Parks.” Dignitaries, the media and tourism industry partners are invited for the proclamation ceremony and refreshments.
Wednesday, May 5, 2021
Wear Red for Tourism Day in Gering, Scottsbluff & Terrytown – All Day
For at least two decades, wearing RED during Travel and Tourism Week has signaled unity among travel and tourism workers and supporters. Industry stakeholders, frontline employees, elected officials and residents are encouraged to wear red on Wednesday, May 5th and let the bold color demonstrate local support for the tourism industry.
Virtual Road Trip through Western Nebraska
Residents and visitors have their “favorites” for local, Western Nebraska tourism and outdoor recreation destinations; Wednesday is the day to share them on social media posts. Get out and visit your favorite tourism spot; take a selfie and post it on social media. Capture the “unique” stops, destinations and tourism amenities that no one else spots or even know about! Like, comment and share other posts to boost the messages and images of our local-regional tourism assets and to show unity across tourism industry partners and stakeholders. Use the hashtag: #virtualWN
Friday, May 7, 2021
“Social Media 101” – 2021 National Tourism Week Virtual How-To-Training for Industry Partners
10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. via Zoom
Unlock your social media marketing potential by participating in “Social Media 101” virtual training during National Tourism Week. From beginners to advanced; this training will give you access to the latest social media marketing “how-to-tips”. Presented by Steve Maly of Maly Marketing; this agency represents many of Nebraska’s and the region’s primary destination marketing entities in directing their social media campaigns. Local and regional tourism partners will learn everything you need to know about social media marketing……step-by-step! Whether you’re just starting your social media marketing or if you’re ready to advance your social media presence, this is the best 90 minutes you’ll spend learning about social media and your tourism business.
Pre-registration for this FREE Social Media training is required; tourism industry attractions, businesses, services and frontline employees can register by EMAILING the Gering Visitors Bureau at or the Scotts Bluff Area Visitors Bureau at Registrations for “Social Media 101” are due by Wednesday, May 5th at Noon. All registered participants will receive a social media “toolkit” prior to the virtual training on Friday.
2021 marks the 38th Anniversary of Travel and Tourism Week. The first full week of May is annually recognized as National Travel and Tourism Week; a tradition first celebrated in 1984. Events are conducted in cities, states and travel businesses nationwide to champion the power of tourism. National Tourism Week was established when the U.S. Congress passed a joint resolution in 1993 designating the week to be celebrated in May. In a White House ceremony, President Ronald Reagan signed a Presidential Proclamation urging citizens to observe the appropriate ceremonies and activities.