Cassidy Nixon of Scottsbluff spent years battling hormonal imbalances, digestive issues, and even some chronic pain. After various medications failed to help her, she decided to try nutritional therapy. Soon after that, she began to feel relief physically, and her mental outlook changed, too. The former marine biologist now feels the best she’s ever felt, and her goal now is to help other people improve their quality of life, too, through her new business that she recently started, CNF Wellness in Scottsbluff.
SCOTTSBLUFF – Cassidy Nixon of Scottsbluff doesn’t remember sitting still too often as a youngster.
“I grew up around horses, so that kept me pretty active,” she said with a laugh. “I was always doing some sort of physical activity.”
Her love for getting physical activity only increased as she grew older. She played multiple sports while she attended Scottsbluff High School, and after graduating from there in 2003, she participated in intramural sports in college. Even after college, she continued to exercise and run 5Ks.
She said staying active made her feel better both physically and mentally. That was always important to her, especially since she’s battled hormonal imbalances and some digestive issues since she was born – ailments that often kept her from feeling her best.
“It was frustrating because I felt like it prevented me from being able to live my life to my full ability,” she said. “I constantly felt down and worn out.”
You can read the entire feature story in the March issue of Nspire Today! magazine. A one-year subscription (12 issues) is only $15. You may sign up for a subscription by sending $15 to Nspire Today!, P.O. Box 454, Scottsbluff, NE 69363, or you may pay with a credit card by calling 308-220-8865.
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