FEATURE: ‘I’ve always wanted to take care of people’

Korinne John knew at an early age that she wanted to pick a career that would make a positive impact on people. She became fascinated with chiropractic her freshman year of high school, and since then, the 2012 Torrington High School graduate has been focused on becoming a chiropractor herself. She graduated from Cleveland University in Kansas City in December, and now she’s getting ready to open her own clinic – Steamboat Chiropractic Health and Wellness Clinic in Torrington – on March 1.



TORRINGTON, Wyo. – One day when Korinne John of Torrington was about 15 years old, she was asked if she would take the kids she was babysitting to their appointment at the chiropractic office.

She was happy to help, and she thought she might learn something, too, since she had never visited a chiropractor herself.

She ended up being amazed by the work of the chiropractor.

“I was fascinated,” she said. “It was an eye-opening experience for me because up until then, I didn’t know anything about chiropractors. I had no idea that they could influence our bodies in such a helpful way.”

After that appointment, John desired to learn more about chiropractic work.

“I really started diving into it and learning more about the benefits of it,” she said. “I started to fall in love with the profession.”

You can read the entire feature story in the February issue of Nspire Today! magazine. A one-year subscription (12 issues) is only $15. You may sign up for a subscription by sending $15 to Nspire Today!, P.O. Box 454, Scottsbluff, NE 69363, or you may pay with a credit card by calling 308-220-8865.

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