FEATURE: On a mission to spread kindness everywhere

Chloe Blumanthal, a senior at Alliance High School, has always believed in the importance of showing kindness to others, especially during her 12 years involved in Girl Scouts. She wanted to promote kindness even more three years ago, so she became an ambassador for a state-wide program called Secret Kindness Agents, which focuses on recruiting people of any age to do random acts of kindness. In the last three years, Blumanthal herself has recruited more than 2,000 people to become Secret Kindness Agents, and she has no plans to let up any time soon.



ALLIANCE – After speaking to a classroom full of elementary school students about the importance of showing kindness to others, Chloe Blumanthal gave the students an assignment.

She encouraged each student to find about a dozen rocks that they could decorate and write an uplifting message on. She then told the students to give the rocks to random people.

Seeing excited looks on many of the young students’ faces, Blumanthal knew at least some of them would fulfill the assignment, perhaps in a few days or even in a week or so.

She was shocked, though, when a little boy met up with her about an hour later, excitedly informing her that he had just finished the project.

“He came up to me and told me about all the people he had given rocks to,” said Blumanthal, a senior at Alliance High School. “I couldn’t believe how fast he had done it and how excited he was to make other people feel better. You could tell he was very inspired. I thought, ‘That’s the reason I do what I do.’”

You can read the entire feature story in the February issue of Nspire Today! magazine. A one-year subscription (12 issues) is only $15. You may sign up for a subscription by sending $15 to Nspire Today!, P.O. Box 454, Scottsbluff, NE 69363, or you may pay with a credit card by calling 308-220-8865.

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