Gering’s Quinton Chavez named Nspire Today!’s Male Athlete of the Week, sponsored by Kristy Culek Agency


GERING – Quinton Chavez, a junior at Gering High School, is Nspire Today!’s Male Athlete of the Week, sponsored by Kristy Culek Agency, LLC-American Family Insurance. Chavez is one of the top high school wrestlers in Nebraska. He recently won a second straight district title, and he’s competing in this week’s Nebraska Class B State Tournament in Omaha. Earlier this month, he helped the Gering wrestling team post a fourth-place finish in the State Dual Tournament in Kearney and a first-place finish at districts. Chavez is competing in his third state tournament in Omaha. His sophomore year, he placed first at both districts and state at 106, and his freshman year, he placed third at both districts and state at 106. Chavez is also a standout in the classroom. He currently has a 3.75 GPA. His parents are Mario and Priscilla Chavez.

Q: How pleased were you with your performance in the district tournament?

CHAVEZ: “I was pretty excited with how things went, especially as a team. We were excited about how we finished and how many kids (7) we qualified for state.”

Q: Where did you think Gering might place as a team going into districts?

CHAVEZ: “Our goal all season was to win the district tournament. Everyone wrestled really well.”

Q: Talk about the progress the Gering wrestling program has made in the last few years.

CHAVEZ: “It’s been a big turnaround. It’s been exciting. It’s amazing to see how far we’ve come in the last three years.”

Q: This will be your third time competing in the state wrestling tournament. How do you feel this year compared to your other two trips to state?

CHAVEZ: “I feel a lot more prepared this year. I’ve put in extra work, and I’ve been there before, so I’m not too nervous about it.”

Q: What is your goal at state?

CHAVEZ: “I want to win it again.”

Q: Do you think it will be even more challenging to win a state title this year?

CHAVEZ: “I think it will be a lot more challenging this year than it was last year. There will be some new kids in my weight class that I haven’t seen before, but I’m looking forward to the challenge.”

Q: Being a defending state champion, does that cause you to feel more pressure going into this year’s state tournament?

CHAVEZ: “No, not really. I’m just looking at it as another tournament. I just need to go out and do what I do best.”

Q: For you to finish first again this year at state, what will be the biggest key?

CHAVEZ: “Just staying focused and having the heart to keep fighting for what I want.”

Q: What are the team’s goals for the state tournament?

CHAVEZ: “A top-five finish would be nice, but I think we have a chance to get in the top three.”

Q: How exciting was it to help Gering place fourth in the state dual tournament in Kearney?

CHAVEZ: “It was super exciting. It was our first time qualifying for it. I thought we did pretty well.”

Q: For you, what’s more exciting – competing in the state dual tournament in Kearney or the state tournament in Omaha?

CHAVEZ: “They’re both fun, but I would say the state tournament [in Omaha]. The atmosphere is so much bigger, and I feel like the level of wrestling is higher than at the state dual tournament.”

Q: What has helped Gering develop into such a strong team again?

CHAVEZ: “Definitely our coaches – Jarred [Berger] and Randy [Donelson]. They’ve had a huge impact on getting us to where we want to be.”

Q: What other sports do you compete in?

CHAVEZ: “I do cross country and soccer.”

Q: Do you feel that competing in cross country has helped you a lot in wrestling?

CHAVEZ: “Yes, I think it’s helped me a lot as a wrestler, especially with my endurance.”

Q: Which sport is your favorite?

CHAVEZ: “Definitely wrestling. That was the first sport I competed in. I definitely wasn’t the best at it when I started, but I kept working hard, and my dad and coaches helped me, and I’ve gotten better. I’ve always loved the sport.”

Q: How is your school year going overall?

CHAVEZ: “It’s going pretty good. What they say is true: Your junior year is definitely the hardest year because they’re trying to prep you for the ACT, and harder classes roll your way as they get you ready for college. It’s been a challenge, but I think I’ve done pretty well.”

Q: Are you involved in any activities at school besides sports?

CHAVEZ: “I’m in FCA and DECA and National Honor Society.”

Q: How are things going in FCA and DECA?

CHAVEZ: “They’re going really well. FCA is fun, learning more about Christ and the Gospel and how we can do all things through Him. I like being in FCA because it feels like we’re all a big family. We’re close, and we share similar goals, whether it’s with sports or academics or life in general. DECA has been going well, too. It’s helped me learn how to get up in front of people and present things to other people.”

Q: Does religion play a big role in your activities?

CHAVEZ: “Yes, definitely. I feel like that’s a big part of it, just knowing that my purpose is to be the best I can be. That’s what He created me for – to work hard and to be a good person.”

Q: Why did you decide to participate in DECA?

CHAVEZ: “They handed me a piece of paper last year that said I’d be a good candidate to try it out. I tried it, and I enjoyed it.”

Q: Have you started to think about what you would like to do after high school?

CHAVEZ: “Yes, I’ve definitely thought a lot about what I want to do after high school. I want to be a physical therapist.”

Q: What led you to want to become a physical therapist?

CHAVEZ: “I hurt my shoulder the summer going into my sophomore year. I went to physical therapy, and they helped me get my arm back to where it is now. I would like to help other people get back to where they need to be.”

Q: Are you hoping to compete in sports in college?

CHAVEZ: “Yes. I’m hoping to get some wrestling scholarships.”

Q: Which colleges are you interested in?

CHAVEZ: “I’d love to go to Arizona State University or even UNL. I feel like those are the top two schools I would love to go to.”

Q: What is your favorite class this year?

CHAVEZ: “I would say physiology. I love learning about the body, like the different muscle types and joints and bones.”

Q: During your educational career, which teacher has made the biggest influence on you?

CHAVEZ: “That’s a hard one. I feel like a lot of teachers have definitely played a big role in my academic success. They’ve all pushed me to do my best.”

Q: Talk about how important it is for you to get excellent grades.

CHAVEZ: “They’re definitely important to me, especially knowing I can get scholarships because of my grades.“

Q: Outside of your school activities, what do you like to do for fun?

CHAVEZ: “I like to hang out with my friends and play video games.”

Q: What do you like best about the Gering community?

CHAVEZ: “I like that everyone is really supportive of everyone. No one talks down on anybody. It’s like one big family.”

Q: What is your favorite TV show?

CHAVEZ: “The Office.”

Q: What are your three favorite apps on your cell phone?

CHAVEZ: “Snapchat, Hulu, and Instagram.”

Q: Favorite type of music?

CHAVEZ: “Rap and hip hop.”

Q: What is your favorite local restaurant?

CHAVEZ: “Taco John’s.”

Q: What is one thing you wish people would do more of?

CHAVEZ: “Try new things.”

Q: Who do you think is one of the kindest students at Gering High School?

CHAVEZ: “Nate Rocheleau is really kind. He feels like a brother to me. We’ve gone through so much, and he’s always been there for me whenever I’ve needed him.”

Q: What’s the most exciting place you’ve traveled to?

CHAVEZ: “Probably Florida.”

Q: If you could give a shoutout to one local business, which one would it be and why?

CHAVEZ: “FreshFoods in Gering. I get a lot of snacks there, and I really like how they support the schools in Gering and other activities in the community.”

Q: Do you have any siblings?

CHAVEZ: “Zavanah (14), Aaliyah (9), and RaVayah (5), and Phoiex (3).”

For all your insurance needs, visit The Kristy Culek Agency, LLC-American Family Insurance, located at 1012 Ave. I in Scottsbluff, or call 308-632-8598.