‘It’s a journey that we’re all very, very thankful for’

After saying lots of prayers, Kenneth and Vickie Mars of Kimball, who had four biological children, decided five years ago to adopt three young children who were in the foster care system in Texas. The Mars say they’re grateful for the way things have worked out, for they’re one, big happy family.



KIMBALL – Just after Christmas 2013, Kenneth Mars of Kimball received a phone call from a relative who had some information and a question for Kenneth and his family.

The relative informed Kenneth that he had a great nephew who had recently been born and was in the foster care system in Texas. The relative wanted to know if Kenneth and his wife, Vickie, would be interested in looking into possibly adopting the child.

Kenneth was surprised to learn that he had a great nephew who was in the foster care system in Texas. The thought of adopting a child, however, wasn’t new to Kenneth and Vickie.

“We already had four biological kids, but we had talked before about whether we might like to pursue an adoption,” Kenneth said.

After the phone conversation with the relative, Kenneth and his wife began talking about adoption a lot more seriously.

“We asked each other a lot of questions, like whether we were set up at the house to do this. We also really prayed about it,” Kenneth said. “My wife and I decided to get a little more information about this child in the foster care system in Texas.”

They soon learned, however, that they didn’t have just one relative in the foster care system in Texas. There were actually three young children – Patrick, 9; Sirena, 5; and Noah, 6 months – who had the same mother who were in the foster care system. Anyone considering adopting them would need to adopt all three since they were considered in Texas to be a family unit.

The full story is in the December issue of Nspire Today! magazine. A one-year subscription (12 issues) is only $15. You may sign up for a subscription by sending $15 to Nspire Today!, P.O. Box 454, Scottsbluff, NE 69363, or you may pay with a credit card by calling 308-220-8865. If you would like to increase your subscription to $20, Nspire Today! will donate the extra $5 in January to the Buckboard Therapeutic Riding Academy.

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