Mitchell’s Regan Hodsden named Nspire Today!’s Female Athlete of the Week, sponsored by Kristy Culek Agency


LYMAN – Regan Hodsden of Lyman, who will be a senior at Mitchell High School this fall, is this week’s Nspire Today! Female Athlete of the Week, sponsored by Kristy Culek Agency, LLC-American Family Insurance. Hodsden is one of the state’s top cross country and track athletes. She competed in the Nebraska state cross country meet her first three seasons of high school, including placing ninth each of the last two years. She’s also qualified for the state track and field meet each of the last three years. Hodsden also is a standout in the classroom, earning a spot in National Honor Society. Her parents are Brett and Kristi. 

Q: Describe how your high school cross country career has gone up to this point?

HODSDEN: “Well, originally, I wasn’t really a runner. I wasn’t sure I would enjoy it. But I decided to try it my freshman year, and I found out that I loved it. I’ve progressively gotten better at it.”

Q: Why did you decide to give cross country a try?

HODSDEN: “I liked the coach, and I felt like it would work out with my schedule. At first, I thought, ‘Well, I’ll just see how it goes.’ I found out I was kind of good at it, and I really liked it, so I decided to keep doing it.”

Q: Before high school, what sports were you involved with?

HODSDEN: “I did volleyball. I really liked it, but I decided not to continue with it. I also did track in junior high.”

Q: Are you surprised with how well you’ve performed in cross country and track?

HODSDEN: “Yes. Going into it as a freshman, I had no idea what I was getting myself into. To make it to state that year was so amazing. I was so shocked. At the beginning of the season, I didn’t think that was possible for me.”

Q: What’s helped you become such a successful runner?

HODSDEN: “I’m a really determined person, so I’ve been pretty determined to get better.”

Q: Do you feel like you have improved quite a bit as a runner over the years?

HODSDEN: “Yes. Each year my times have gotten better. I’ve learned to train harder to get better.”

Q: Do you enjoy competing in cross country just as much as you did your freshman year?

HODSDEN: “Yes. I love the kids in cross country. We have a lot of fun. I love my teammates. They’re great. I feel like it’s a sport where you can get to know each other super well, and it’s neat to see other people at meets that you’ve gotten to know.”

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Q: How excited are you for your senior cross country season?

HODSDEN: “I’m super excited for it. I’m hoping to continue to get better.”

Q: What are your goals for this upcoming season?

HODSDEN: “I want to place higher at state. My main goal is to break 20 minutes.”

Q: What is your career-best time?

HODSDEN: “Twenty flat is my best time.”

Q: How has your summer been going training-wise?

HODSDEN: “I’ve kind of changed a little bit of my training. I’ve tried to get more miles in, and I’ve done different routes, just to run on some different terrain.”

Q: How many miles do you average each week?

HODSDEN: “About 20 to 25.”

Q: Do you run every day?

HODSDEN: “I take one day off a week. Also, once a week I do a six-mile run, and I used to not do a long run like that during the week.” 

Q: How will your experience help you this season?

HODSDEN: “I kind of know what to expect – how to plan ahead for meets. Also, I can kind of help the younger kids and show them how to prepare for meets.”

Q: Is it hard for you to believe that this will be your last season of high school cross country?

HODSDEN: “Yes, it is. But I’m excited for it. I’m also excited to go to college and hopefully run in college.”

Q: Which sport do you like better – cross country or track?

HODSDEN: “I like both a lot, but I probably like cross country a little more because it’s a smaller team and you get to know everyone better. I also like getting to run at different places. You get a change of scenery compared to track.”

Q: What is your favorite cross country meet?

HODSDEN: “The Chadron meet. I love running the hills at Chadron.”

Q: What’s the outlook for Mitchell’s team?

HODSDEN: “I believe this year we’ll have enough runners to have another team so, hopefully, we can repeat what we did last year and take a team to state.”

Q: What colleges are you considering?

HODSDEN: “There’s a few that I’m looking at. I’m not sure exactly where I want to go yet.”

Q: Do you think you’ll always be a runner, even after you’re done with high school and college?

HODSDEN: “Yes. I plan to continue running. I kind of want to try a marathon and a half marathon.”

Q: Have you competed in any road races this summer?

HODSDEN: “No. I’ve been busy working.”

Q: Where do you work?

HODSDEN: “I work for a ranch in Sioux County.”

Q: In addition to sports, what else are you looking forward to this upcoming school year?

HODSDEN: “I’m in FFA, and that’s a huge passion of mine. I love agriculture, so I’m excited to continue that this year.”

Q: Are you involved in any other activities or clubs at school?

HODSDEN: “I’m the student council president, so that will be fun.”

Q: You’re involved in National Honor Society. How much pride do you take in getting excellent grades?

HODSDEN: “Grades are really important to me. I try to do my best to get good grades. I’m one of those kids who always wants to get my homework done.”

Q: Have you started to think about what you would like to do for a career?

HODSDEN: “I want to go to college for animal science, and I want to do something along the lines of genetics or something in the ag field with animals.”

Q: How did you become interested in that?

HODSDEN: “I live on a farm, and I’ve always had a passion for animals. Working on the ranch in the summer, I kind of grew to like it even more.”

Q: Outside of work and sports and school, what do you enjoy doing for fun?

HODSDEN: “I like to do crafts. I like to re-do old furniture, and I like to take care of animals. I also like to spend time with my family. We like to go fishing and do all sorts of outside activities.”

Q: Where is your favorite place to go fishing?

HODSDEN: “We go to Packer Lake. It’s in Wyoming.”

Q: What kind of music do you like listening to?

HODSDEN: “I like country music – older and new.”

Q: Name one person who you think is a big difference-maker in your community?

HODSDEN: “My friend and teammate, Ansley Hessler. She’s one of those people who is always happy and is willing to help and give to others.”

Q: Which teacher has made the biggest influence on you?

HODSDEN: “I would say Mrs. [Jordan] Gonzales [English teacher]. She’s one of those teachers who is really fun and nice, and you can always sit and talk to her. She’s always willing to help you.”

Q: Have you lived in Lyman your whole life?

HODSDEN: “No. I actually grew up in Colorado [in Wellington], and we moved to Nebraska my eighth-grade year. We lived in Scottsbluff and then we moved to Lake Minatare and then we just moved to Lyman.”

Q: How would you compare the different places that you’ve lived? 

HODSDEN: “I kind of miss the view in Colorado. I really like the mountains. But Lyman is my favorite place. It’s a really good area, and there’s a lot of agriculture around, so it fits me well.”

Q: What brought you and your family to Nebraska?

HODSDEN: “We bought a farm up here. We really liked the area here.”

Q: Do you have any siblings?

HODSDEN: “I have an older brother, Tucker (18), and a younger brother, Bryce (14), and a younger sister, Alissa (11).”

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For all your insurance needs, visit The Kristy Culek Agency, LLC-American Family Insurance, located at 1012 Ave. I in Scottsbluff, or call 308-632-8598.

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