Providing kindness and encouragement

Sidney 8th-grader Jenju Peters enjoys giving words of encouragement and water to other cross country runners – not just from her team but other schools as well. She said being kind to others is something that she’s passionate about, for she knows the positive effects it can have on people, especially those who are struggling.


SIDNEY – Jenju Peters, an eighth-grader in Sidney, stood on the grass at Riverview Golf Course in Scottsbluff in late August, waiting for the high school boys to run by her during the season-opening Panhandle Classic Cross Country Meet.

It was quite hot on this sunny afternoon, so Peters, who’s a runner herself, knew the high school runners would be feeling hot and exhausted – and maybe even a little thirsty – as they ran the 3.1-mile course.

Therefore, Peters wanted to try to give the runners – not just from Sidney but also from other schools – a lift by giving them words of encouragement as they ran by and also by offering them a drink from her water bottle.

“I’ve been in cross country for a couple years now, so I know what the other runners are going through mentally and physically when they race,” she said. “It’s a tough sport, especially when it’s so hot out. So, I like to give them encouragement.”

The full story is in the September issue of Nspire Today! magazine. A one-year subscription (12 issues) is only $15. You may sign up for a subscription by sending $15 to Nspire Today!, P.O. Box 454, Scottsbluff, NE 69363, or you may pay with a credit card by calling 308-220-8865. If you would like to increase your subscription to $20, Nspire Today! will donate the extra $5 in October to the Panhandle Humane Society.

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