BAYARD – Jessica Whitebear, a senior at Bayard High School, is this week’s Nspire Today! Female Athlete of the Week, sponsored by Kristy Culek Agency, LLC-American Family Insurance. Whitebear was one of the top basketball players in the area this season, and she was named to the All-Western Trails Conference First Team. She’s also a talented runner, as she qualified for the Nebraska state cross country meet all four years of high school. She also competed in track & field, and she participates in FFA. She’s also a volunteer at Buckboard Therapeutic Riding Academic in Gering. She has a 3.7 GPA. She plans to attend Oklahoma State University, where she’ll major in pre-vet sciences. Her parents are Becky and Andy Swisher. For being named an Athlete of the Week, Whitebear will receive a gift card for a free drink to Scooter’s Coffee.
Q: How excited were you when you found out you were named to the all-conference basketball team?
WHITEBEAR: “It’s huge for me. Basketball is kind of my thing, so receiving that honor was awesome.”
Q: Did that surprise you at all, or did you think you had a pretty good shot at being chosen to the all-conference team?
WHITEBEAR: “It surprised me a little bit because our school is kind of small, so getting recognized in a small school for something big like that is kind of difficult, especially since WTC is a pretty big conference.”
Q: Talk about how the basketball season went for Bayard.
WHITEBEAR: “I thought we had a lot of potential, and we did good, but I don’t think we quite reached our full potential. But all of us worked pretty hard, and I think we were happy with where we ended up. … It was our third straight year with a winning record.”
Q: How did you like the way the season went for you individually?
WHITEBEAR: “I think I did pretty well. I think I finally peaked. I thought the seniors did a good job of leading the team.”
Q: How did your cross country season go last fall?
WHITEBEAR: “Unfortunately, it didn’t go very well. I was out for most of the season because I had a stress fracture last year that I did not let heal quite all the way, and it hurt me this past season. But I came back for some of our important meets, and I made it to state. Unfortunately, I didn’t do my best at state, but considering the injury, I did better this season than I thought I would.”
Q: What have you competed in during the track and field season?
WHITEBEAR: “Well, my big thing recently has been the 800, but I also usually got thrown into the two-mile and the one-mile. We’ve also had a pretty successful 4×400 team the last couple years. Also, sometimes I run the 4×800 if I need another event.”

Q: How much had you been looking forward to this track and field season?
WHITEBEAR: “I kind of wanted to redeem myself from last year because districts didn’t go quite the way I wanted it to go. Out of all of my events, I missed going to state by one or two placings. Luckily, I did go to state in the two-mile, but it was just a wild card. So, I was hoping I could redeem myself this season and actually place high enough to make it to state.”
Q: How would you describe the way your high school athletic career has gone overall?
WHITEBEAR: “I’ve learned things not only about sports but also things that will help me in life, like leadership, knowing where your place is, knowing how to help others, and knowing when to ask for help. It’s taught me more than anything I would have ever learned in a classroom.”
Q: How excited are you about going to Oklahoma State?
WHITEBEAR: “I’m extremely excited. Oklahoma State is kind of my dream college, so being able to go there feels amazing to me.”
Q: What is it that you would like to do for a career?
WHITEBEAR: “I’d like to become a vet or a vet tech.”
Q: You’re also involved in FFA. How much have you enjoyed being involved in that program?
WHITEBEAR: “I’ve enjoyed it a lot. I do some in-school competitions, like biotechnology and land judging. I’ve also tried food science. The in-class stuff is pretty fun. We do a lot of hands-on stuff.”
Q: How has FFA helped prepare you for your future?
WHITEBEAR: “I want to go into vet sciences, so being around animals and learning what you need to know to make them successful as animals has really helped. It’s taught me a lot of things that you wouldn’t learn just in a classroom.”
Q: After college, would you like to move back to the Bayard area?
WHITEBEAR: “I haven’t really thought that far ahead yet. I always thought I would live in Texas, but I do like it here now that I’ve gotten older.”
Q: How many animals do you and your family have?
WHITEBEAR: “We have three horses and a mule. We also have three dogs, a lot of cats, some chickens, some turkeys, some guineas, and we have longhorns and show cattle and milk cows, and we have goats.”
Q: What got you interested in being a vet or a vet tech?
WHITEBEAR: “My mom used to work at a vet clinic as a vet tech, and when I was younger, I would tag along with her. I got to see it all as I was growing up. I just thought, ‘This is what I want to do.’”
Q: You said you also volunteer at Buckboard Therapeutic Riding Academy. How much have you enjoyed doing that?
WHITEBEAR: “It’s been fun. I like to see kids who need help get the help they need. It’s been fun to make connections and get out there to experience new things.”
Q: Was it kind of an eye-opening experience for you?
WHITEBEAR: “Yes, for sure. I go to school every day, and sometimes it seems like it’s the same thing for all kids – you go to school and then you go home and have fun. But then when you go [to Buckboard Therapeutic Riding Academy], you see these kids, and they don’t get the same experiences you do. It’s really opened my eyes to the bigger picture in the world – that not everything is easy for everybody. Some people do need help.”
Q: Outside of your school activities, what do you like to do for fun?
WHITEBEAR: “I love hanging out with my friends. They make my life fun. There’s never a dull moment. There’s always something going on.”

Q: Have you always lived in Bayard?
WHITEBEAR: “No, I’ve moved a lot. I used to live in Morrill, then we lived in Colorado for a little bit, and then we went to Scottsbluff, and then we moved here about six years ago.”
Q: How much have you enjoyed being in the Bayard community?
WHITEBEAR: “Everybody knows everybody, and everybody knows everything. [laughs] It’s small, but if you need something, somebody is always there to help you. Everyone is here to live and be happy, basically.”
Q: During your educational career in Bayard, which teacher do you feel has influenced you the most?
WHITEBEAR: “I would say Zach Nesbitt. He was my junior high science teacher, and he’s also my basketball coach. He teaches us lessons that will help us in life. He’s always there for us. If something is wrong, he’ll help you fix it. He’s just an all-around great guy to have in your life.”
Q: Who do you think is one of the kindest students at Bayard High School?
WHITEBEAR: “Out of the people I know the best, I would say Dontae Abbott. She’s always there for everybody. She’s nice to everybody. I don’t think I’ve ever seen her be mean to somebody.”
Q: What are your three favorite apps on your cell phone?
WHITEBEAR: “Tiktok, Snapchat, Disney+.”
Q: What is one thing you wish people would do more of?
WHITEBEAR: “Be kind.”
Q: What is your favorite type of music?
WHITEBEAR: “Country.”
Q: Favorite TV show?
WHITEBEAR: “‘The Simpsons.’”
Q: Name one person who you feel is a big difference-maker in your community.
WHITEBEAR: “Candace Smith. She’s a teacher, and she’s my cross country coach. She helps out everybody. She started a fund where people can donate shoes and clothes for kids who need them. She’s the kindest soul I’ve ever met. You can ask her for anything, and she would die trying to get it to you.”
Q: What do you think is the coolest attraction in the WyoBraska region?
WHITEBEAR: “Chimney Rock. Without Chimney Rock, we really wouldn’t be on the map anymore. I see it everywhere. Like at state track [in Omaha], when I walked into our hotel, the first thing I saw was a picture of Chimney Rock. I didn’t think it got out that far, so it was cool to see that.”
Q: If you could give a shoutout to one business in Bayard, which one would it be and why?
WHITEBEAR: “Tiger Paws because you can go there to get food or something to drink, and they’re friendly. It’s like the little town get together for all the high schoolers.”
Q: Do you have any siblings?
WHITEBEAR: “I have one older brother, Justin. He’s 19.”
If you would like to nominate someone for Nspire Today!’s Athletes of the Week, sponsored by Kristy Culek Agency, you may do so by sending an email to or by mailing a letter to Nspire Today!, P.O. Box 454, Scottsbluff, NE 69363. Nominations may also be submitted by sending a text to 308-220-8865.
In addition to being recognized online, athletes of the week will also be recognized in Nspire Today! magazine. To sign up for a one-year subscription (12 issues) to the magazine, please send $15 to Nspire Today!, P.O. Box 454, Scottsbluff, NE 69363. To pay with a credit card, please call 308-220-8865.
For all your insurance needs, visit The Kristy Culek Agency, LLC-American Family Insurance, located at 1012 Ave. I in Scottsbluff, or call 308-632-8598.