Alliance High School senior Shelby Carr has been excelling in 4-H since she was 8 years old, including developing into one of the top shooters in western Nebraska. She’s also had lots of success during the four years she’s been involved in FFA. Placing high in competitions, however, isn’t Carr’s top priority. Instead, she’s primarily focused on learning more about agriculture, a field she’s excited to still be part of after high school as she plans to work full-time for Thompson Seed Potatoes near Alliance.
ALLIANCE – Without a doubt, Shelby Carr loves competing in 4-H and FFA, and she gets pumped up anytime she places high, especially first place.
Where she finishes in the standings, however, has never been her primary focus. Her main goal is simply to learn.
“I do enjoy winning, but for me, that’s not the main reason I’m involved in 4-H and FFA,” she said. “I just like to learn. That’s way more important to me than winning. If I don’t learn anything when I compete, then nothing else really matters.”
It’s safe to say that Carr has learned quite a bit during the nearly 10 years she’s been involved in 4-H and four years in FFA.
In fact, Carr, who’s a senior at Alliance High School, is regarded as one of the top competitors in 4-H and FFA in western Nebraska, based on her results over the years.
You can read the entire story on Carr in the current issue of Nspire Today! magazine. A one-year subscription (12 issues) is only $15. You may sign up for a subscription by sending $15 to Nspire Today!, P.O. Box 454, Scottsbluff, NE 69363, or you may pay with a credit card by calling 308-220-8865.
The current issue of Nspire Today! magazine is available at locations listed below.