Matt Hinman of Morrill

Matt Hinman grew up with an interest in someday being part of the Morrill Volunteer Fire Department, just like his dad, Jerry Hinman, has done. The younger Hinman got his chance just a few months after graduating from Morrill High School, and he’s now in his 15th year with the Morrill Volunteer Fire Department, including his fifth year as the fire chief.


MORRILL – Matt Hinman of Morrill was like a lot of other young kids growing up in that he was enamored with the lights, sounds and massive size of the local fire trucks.

“As a kid, everybody loves a big, red fire truck, right?” the 34-year-old Hinman said with a laugh. 

Matt Hinman (right) presents his dad, Jerry, with a 25 years of service award.

Hinman certainly did, and he enjoyed every opportunity he got to go down to the Morrill Fire Department to check out and even climb into the cool-looking fire trucks. He also enjoyed meeting and talking to many of the people at the department.

“I always looked up to them,” said Hinman, who’s now Morrill’s Fire Chief. “I remember thinking back then that someday I wanted to step up and help my community, too.”

You can read the entire story in the February 2022 issue of Nspire Today! magazine. A one-year subscription (12 issues) is only $20. You may sign up for a subscription by sending $20 to Nspire Today!, P.O. Box 454, Scottsbluff, NE 69363, or you may pay with a credit card by calling 308-220-8865.

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