Hemingford’s Jake Sellman named Nspire Today!’s Male Athlete of the Week, sponsored by Kristy Culek Agency



HEMINGFORD – Hemingford’s Jake Sellman, a senior at Hemingford High School, is this week’s Nspire Today! Male Athlete of the Week, sponsored by Kristy Culek Agency, LLC-American Family Insurance. The 6-foot-4, 225-pound Sellman is a four-year starter for the Bobcat football team. He plays on the offensive and defensive lines. He also competes in wrestling and track and field. Hemingford’s first football game is next Friday at 6:30 p.m. at home against Mullen. His parents are Adam and Jodi Sellman.

Q: How excited are you about this football season?

SELLMAN: “I’m pretty excited. I think we’ll have a good team. We have a lot of new players this year, but after a few games, I think we’ll play well.”

Q: Individually, how do you feel your football career has gone up to this point?

SELLMAN: “I think I’ve definitely improved over the years. When I first started, I was just on special teams and got in when I could. My sophomore year, I started on offense, and last year I was on both offense and defense. This year, as a senior, I’m taking on a leadership role, just like all the other seniors.”

Q: How many seniors are on this year’s team?

SELLMAN: “Eight, I believe.”

Q: For you, does it seem much different going into this season compared to previous seasons?

SELLMAN: “Most days, it feels like just another season. But once in awhile, you step back and realize, ‘Wow, I’m a senior now.’”

Kristy Culek

Q: Of the sports that you compete in, which one is your favorite?

SELLMAN: “Probably football because it’s a team sport and you get to see all your friends.”

Q: Do you prefer to play on offense or defense?

SELLMAN: “Probably offense. I think I’m a little better on that side.”

Q: Do you hope to keep playing football in college?

SELLMAN: “I’ve thought about playing football in college. I haven’t made that decision yet, though.”

Q: Outside of sports, what other activities are you involved in?

SELLMAN: “I do 4-H, and I also do FFA.”

Q: Did you have a nice summer break?

SELLMAN: “Yes. I spent a lot of time in the weight room, and I also worked with my show cattle and 4-H animals. So, I had a really busy summer.”

Q: Have you lived in Hemingford your whole life?

SELLMAN: “Yes. I live about 25 to 30 minutes away from Hemingford.. We’re kind of in the middle of Hemingford, Crawford and Chadron.”

Q: How much have you enjoyed growing up in the Hemingford community?

SELLMAN: “I really enjoy it. It’s not too big where you don’t know anybody. It’s just the right size where everyone knows who you are, and everyone supports you.”

Q: What is your favorite non-sports activity?

SELLMAN: “Probably 4-H. I like showing cattle and being around the cattle. I live on a cattle ranch [Sellman Ranch], and I like being outside all day.”

Q: How much have you enjoyed living and working on your family’s ranch?

SELLMAN: “I really enjoy it. Once I’m done with college, I might come back to the ranch and help out.”

Q: In college, what would you like to pursue as a major?

SELLMAN: “I haven’t decided what I want to major in yet – maybe something that’s agriculture related. But after college, I would like to come back to the ranch.”

Q: What’s it like to be a rancher these days?

SELLMAN: “This year has been tough. Everybody is kind of behind schedule. We had that big winter, and it kind of hurt everybody. The market is going down a little bit.”

Q: What are your other interests besides sports and FFA and 4-H?

SELLMAN: “I like being outdoors. I like to go hunting and fishing, and I like to just enjoy nature – look around and see how beautiful everything is.”

Q: Which teacher do you feel has influenced you the most?

SELLMAN: “I would say all of them helped me through things. They went above and beyond for me. I think all the teachers in Hemingford are great.”

Q: What kind of music do you enjoy listening to?

SELLMAN: “I kind of listen to everything.”

Q: In your opinion, what’s the neatest business in Hemingford?

SELLMAN: “One place I’ve been going to lately is Treasured Grounds. They have lunch specials, and during conditioning week in the mornings I would go in and have some breakfast. I think it’s a nice, little place.”

Q: What is your favorite kind of food?

SELLMAN: “Probably barbecue or chicken fried steak.”

Q: What is the most exciting place that you’ve traveled to?

SELLMAN: “I would say Atlanta. I went there for a national 4-H convention [his sophomore year]. I thought that was a really cool trip.”

Q: In your opinion, who is the kindest student at Hemingford High School?

SELLMAN: “Everyone is really kind, but if I had to pick one, I would say Jori Stewart [a senior]. She’s kind and friendly to everyone.”

Q: Do you have any siblings?

SELLMAN: “I have one younger sister, Bailey. She is a sixth-grader.”

If you would like to nominate someone for Nspire Today!’s Athletes of the Week, sponsored by Kristy Culek Agency, you may do so by sending an email to jeff.fielder@nspiretoday.com or by mailing a letter to Nspire Today!, P.O. Box 454, Scottsbluff, NE 69363. Nominations may also be submitted by sending a text to 308-220-8865. 

In addition to being recognized online, athletes of the week will also be recognized in Nspire Today! magazine. To sign up for a one-year subscription (12 issues) to the magazine, please send $15 to Nspire Today!, P.O. Box 454, Scottsbluff, NE 69363. To pay with a credit card, please call 308-220-8865. If you would like to increase your subscription to $20, Nspire Today! will donate the extra $5 in August to the local DOVES organization.

For all your insurance needs, visit The Kristy Culek Agency, LLC-American Family Insurance, located at 1012 Ave. I in Scottsbluff, or call 308-632-8598.

Kristy Culek