Grady Hutcherson has been teaching at Torrington Public Schools for 24 years, including 23 years as an elementary teacher at Trail Elementary and Lincoln Elementary. Although he’s loved teaching in Torrington, he’s looking forward to the next chapter in his life – serving as president of the Wyoming Education Association.
TORRINGTON, Wyo. – When Grady Hutcherson graduated from Kiowa High School in Kiowa, Colorado, in 1989, he wasn’t sure what he wanted to do for a career.
Therefore, rather than going to college right after high school, Hutcherson decided to work on the ski slopes in Keystone, Colorado, for a couple years while he pondered his future.
One day, a friend of his who was a first-grade teacher at the school he had attended in Kiowa suggested to Hutcherson that he consider being involved in education.
She reminded him that during his senior year of high school, he had volunteered to go to the elementary school to help students and teachers there.
“As soon as she said that, it was a no-brainer to me. I thought, ‘Yes, that’s what I should do,’” he said.
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