FEATURE: ‘It’s unbelievable what’s happened to me’

Amanda Ferguson of Scottsbluff started going down a dark, rocky path early in her teenage years, when she began drinking alcohol to cope with the anxiety, depression, and insecurity she was feeling. Her life became even more desolate after watching her boyfriend leave their relationship just three days before she gave birth to her first child. Her heartache continued later in life when she suffered through an abusive marriage, and then her world totally crumbled when she was raped. All of that caused her to drink more heavily and more often. Although it was hard for her to see a happy ending to her life, she didn’t give up hope. She said she eventually surrendered her life to Christ, what happened to her after that, she said, was simply incredible. She’s now nearing three years of being sober, and she’s also happily married with four wonderful children. She said she feels blessed to finally be living the kind of life she always dreamed of having, and her mission now is to help rescue other people who have fallen into a deep, dark hole.



SCOTTSBLUFF – To an outsider, it might have looked like Amanda (Sokol) Ferguson was living a pretty good teenage lifestyle.

She was a good student, earning mostly A’s and B’s, and she was involved in a number of activities at school, including sports, music, and cheerleading.

“I wasn’t a golden child by any means, but I did always try to do the right things,” said Ferguson, who’s 32 now.

She also had friends, and she had a good relationship with her parents, too.

“I was in a very loving home,” she said.

What people couldn’t see from the outside, however, was that Ferguson was struggling on the inside – with a variety of things. 

You can read the entire feature story in the May 2021 issue of Nspire Today! magazine. A one-year subscription (12 issues) is only $15. You may sign up for a subscription by sending $15 to Nspire Today!, P.O. Box 454, Scottsbluff, NE 69363, or you may pay with a credit card by calling 308-220-8865.

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