BUSINESS PROFILE: Michael Moravec of HydroZen in Scottsbluff


SCOTTSBLUFF – Michael Moravec is the owner of HydroZen, a business in Scottsbluff that opened on July 7. Moravec also owns Bluffs Physical Therapy, which is in the same building as HydroZen. The businesses are located at 3510 Ave. B. Moravec, who opened Bluffs Physical Therapy in March 2018, graduated from the University of Nebraska Medical Center in 2004. He specializes in orthopedic physical therapy (PT, DPT, OCS). Moravec has lived in Scottsbluff since 2010. Before that, he lived in Dalton. He and his wife, Lisa, have been married for 20 years. They have four children: Logan, 19, who will be a sophomore at Chadron State College this fall; Lucas, 17, who will be a junior at Gering High School; Mitch, 15, who will be a freshman at GHS; and Ben, 12, who will be a sixth-grader at Gering Junior High School.

Q: Describe what HydroZen is.

MORAVEC: “HydroZen is sensory deprivation therapy. It consists of 150 gallons of water and almost a half a ton of Epsom salt mixed together in what’s called a float pod. So, when you get into the pod, you actually float on top of the water. You can’t sink. Why would someone do that? Well, the benefit is to deprive your body of outer senses of the world – things like sound, pressure, touch, and temperature. When you’re in the pod, your brain and body have nothing to interpret. Normally, our bodies are interpreting something, whether it’s our clothes, sitting on a chair, or lying in a bed. But when you’re in one of these tanks, you’re body doesn’t sense anything because you’re lying on water. You just relax. It’s just like when people are trying to meditate. They’re trying to get their brain to turn off the outer world. HydroZen speeds you into that mental state.”

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